Perfect Sleep (2021)
Perfect Sleep investigates sleep and dreaming as a potential climate engineering technology. By inviting participants to experiment with their own sleep cycles, the work explores how lack of sleep and climate change are both products of the same extractivist capitalist system where regeneration, rest and natural limits go unvalued.
The work is a collaboration with Sam Lavigne and is realized in two parts: as a smart phone app and an installation. The app, titled The Perfect Sleep App, allows users to adjust their sleep schedule, slowly increasing their sleep time and can be downloaded from the app store. The installation, titled Sleep Study plays dreamscapes written by authors Simone Browne, Johanna Hedva, Holly Jean Buck and Sophie Lewis and set to music by Luisa Pereira. These incubations can be experienced from custom daybeds.
The work was awarded an Award of Distinction at Ars Electronica in 2022.
The work is a collaboration with Sam Lavigne and is realized in two parts: as a smart phone app and an installation. The app, titled The Perfect Sleep App, allows users to adjust their sleep schedule, slowly increasing their sleep time and can be downloaded from the app store. The installation, titled Sleep Study plays dreamscapes written by authors Simone Browne, Johanna Hedva, Holly Jean Buck and Sophie Lewis and set to music by Luisa Pereira. These incubations can be experienced from custom daybeds.
The work was awarded an Award of Distinction at Ars Electronica in 2022.

Screenshot of smartphone App. Tega Brain and Sam Lavigne – Perfect Sleep', 2023. © the artists.

Exhibition view. Tega Brain and Sam Lavigne – Perfect Sleep: Eindhoven', MU Hybrid Art House, 2023. © the artists. Photo: Angelique Spaninks.

Exhibition view. Tega Brain and Sam Lavigne – Perfect Sleep: Bad Homburg',Museum Sinclair-Haus, 2021. © the artists. Photo: Michael Habes.

Exhibition view. Tega Brain and Sam Lavigne – Perfect Sleep: Bad Homburg',Museum Sinclair-Haus,2021. © the artists. Photo: Michael Habes.

Exhibition detail. Tega Brain and Sam Lavigne – Perfect Sleep: Bad Homburg',Museum Sinclair-Haus, 2021. © the artists. Photo: Michael Habes.
Artists: Tega Brain and Sam Lavigne.
App Development: Sam Lavigne.
Dream Incubation texts: Simone Browne, Johanna Hedva, Holly Jean Buck and Sophie Lewis.
Dreamscape sound composition: Luisa Pereira.
Dreamscape narration: Mukundwa Katuliiba.
Furniture design in collaboration with Jordana Maisie Design Studio.
Commissioned by Museum Sinclair-Haus, Bad Homburg for the TEMPO exhibition, 26. September 2021 - 6. February 2022.
Artists: Tega Brain and Sam Lavigne.
App Development: Sam Lavigne.
Dream Incubation texts: Simone Browne, Johanna Hedva, Holly Jean Buck and Sophie Lewis.
Dreamscape sound composition: Luisa Pereira.
Dreamscape narration: Mukundwa Katuliiba.
Furniture design in collaboration with Jordana Maisie Design Studio.
Commissioned by Museum Sinclair-Haus, Bad Homburg for the TEMPO exhibition, 26. September 2021 - 6. February 2022.